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Time to Symposium :


Technological Developments and Digitalization in Fire Safety

22-24 November 2023

Lutfi Kırdar Congress Center Rumeli Hall

The 8th biannual ‘’International Exhibition and Symposium on Fire and Safety‘’ will be held in Lütfi Kırdar Congress Center Rumeli Hall, Istanbul on November 22-24 in 2023. The symposium will be held with the support of international and national institutions and with contributions from domestic/foreign university and company representatives.

The symposium is an efficient platform where scientific and technological developments in the field of Fire and Safety are discussed and the experiences of designers, implementers, researchers and managers are shared. At the exhibition held together with the symposium, domestic and foreign manufacturers in the Fire and Safety industry will introduce their technological developments and offer their new products.

Aim of the International Symposium will be “ Technological Developments and Digitalization in fire Safety ” and priority will be given to these issues.

Professionals of Fire Safety, related government executives, academicians, engineers performing and/or applying design, consultants, insurers, manufacturers, product suppliers technicians are, naturally, guests of this great meeting held by TÜYAK

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