The name of the association is “Yangından Korunma Derneği”.
The headquarters of the association is in Istanbul.
1-The purpose of the Association, which will operate in the field of ways of fire protection, is to bring together individuals, institutions and organizations operating in fire protection and fire fighting;
2- To minimize the loss of life and property caused by fire in the country,
3-To ensure that the society is educated on fire safety,
4-To support the development of products on fire protection and fire fighting,
5-To act in cooperation with the authorized institutions in the preparation of national and local fire regulations in accordance with its purpose,
6- Cooperating with authorized institutions, taking action on the preparation of standards concerning fire safety,
7-To carry out activities to ensure the fire safety of cultural assets.
8-Ensuring the development of fire protection and related sectors in the country, contributing to the creation and implementation of ethical rules,
10- To encourage doing business in accordance with ethical rules,
11-Seeing the interests of the fire protection sector as a whole,
12-To represent the sector at home and abroad,
13-To provide services that will add value to its members and related institutions and organizations.
In order to realize its purpose, the association can carry out studies in the following subjects and areas:
1- It provides information and guidance on all matters related to fire protection for the public and users. It tries to prevent misleading news and referrals.
2-Determines the problems of fire brigades and firefighters, tries to solve them and seeks solutions.
3-Identifies the problems of the sector, which includes companies operating in fire-related activities, tries to eliminate them and seeks solutions.
4- It works to inform the sector and the public on the current standards, rules and specifications and tries to ensure their implementation. It tries to solve the problems that arise on these issues.
5-Laws, decrees, specifications, regulations, communiqués, development plan-programs, etc., that will ensure the development of the sector both in the domestic and foreign markets (for export and recognition). monitors and evaluates the regulations and announces the opinions and suggestions of the association on these issues to the relevant authorities and authorities.
6- It carries out all kinds of activities that will expand the manners, knowledge and experience of the members and members of the member organizations.
7- It tries to settle the disputes that may arise between its members on commercial and other issues, as a conciliator and through an arbitrator.
8- It establishes relations with the organizations and associations that it will benefit from, expresses opinions and carries out joint studies.
9- In order to follow and transfer foreign science and technology to its members in line with its objectives, it can become a member of international organizations, send representatives or invite the members of these organizations to Turkey. Announces international technical developments to relevant institutions and members.
10-The emblem of the association is accepted by the decision of the board of directors, the necessary actions are taken by the relevant civil authority. The emblem is used where the board of directors of the association deems it necessary.
11-Announces progress and developments through all kinds of broadcast channels, enlightens, warns, establishes commissions, organizes and tries to realize its purpose. It organizes domestic and international trips to improve the manners, knowledge and experience of its members.
12- Pursuant to Article 22 of the Law on Associations, the association may purchase and rent all kinds of immovable and all kinds of movable properties necessary for its residence and purposes and activities, and may rent out any immovable property that may be in its possession. It can have all kinds of rights on these immovable properties, which it will notify to the Ministry of Interior within one month from the purchase registration process in the land registry, and have all kinds of construction done, and can sell the immovable properties that exist or have been transferred to the association through purchase, donation or testament.
13-According to the legislation on aid collection and the provisions of this main statute, receives and gives aid and donations, can accept wills.
14- The Board of Directors has been authorized to give awards or gifts to legal entities and real persons whose work is in accordance with the purpose articles of the Association’s bylaws. The type of award or gift and how it will be given are determined by the Board of Directors.
15- The Association creates an economic organization in order to achieve its goals. The Board of Directors is authorized to establish an economic enterprise. For this, the Regulation is issued by the Board of Directors.
16-Can do other necessary studies related to purpose and service issues.
17- It may open a representative office in order to carry out its activities in places deemed necessary. Representative offices are not represented in the general assemblies of branches or associations. Branches cannot open representative offices. The address of the representative office is notified in writing to the local administrative authority by the person or persons appointed as the representative by the decision of the board of directors.
18- In areas related to its purpose and not prohibited by law, it can create a platform among themselves or with foundations, unions and similar non-governmental organizations in order to realize a common purpose and with the decision of its authorized bodies.
The platform cannot be established and operate in line with the purposes and activities prohibited by the laws for associations.
19- In order to realize its purpose, it can borrow money, provided that the general assembly accepts it.
20- In cases where it is deemed beneficial to realize the aims and working conditions of the association and to establish international solidarity and cooperation; may engage in international activities, may become a member of associations, foundations, unions, federations and similar organizations established abroad for similar purposes, open representative offices or branches abroad, establish associations or higher organizations, provided that they fulfill the legal conditions.
It can become a member of organizations (association branches, federations, etc.) established by foreign organizations by fulfilling the legal conditions in the country.
1. Real persons and legal persons who have completed the age of 18 and have the capacity to act in the field of fire protection or fire fighting can become members of the association.
2. Members must reside in Turkey and must not be subject to permanent or temporary deprivation of rights and restriction of rights specified in the relevant articles of the Law on Associations.
3. Non-Turkish citizens must have the right to reside in Turkey in order to be accepted as a member of the association. (For honorary and honorary memberships, residence in Turkey is not required.)
4. In case of membership as a legal entity, the chairman of the board of directors of the company or the persons to be assigned to represent vote. When the presidency or representation of these persons ends, the person who will vote on behalf of the legal entity must be re-determined by the relevant legal entity and notify the Association.
The Association has four types of membership;
1. Principal Member
2. Candidate Member
3. Honorary Member
4. Honorary Member
5. Student Member
5.2.1. Principal Members;
A) Having been operating in the field of fire protection or fire fighting for at least 5 years,
B) Submitting a signed application form stating that they want to join the association,
C) Agreed and signed to pay dues in accordance with this charter and to comply with the Association’s Professional Ethics Rules,
D) Admitted to the Association’s original membership by the Board of Directors;
are natural and legal persons.
5.2.2. Candidate Members,
These are real and legal persons who could not fully meet the conditions of being a full member of the Association on the date of application and were accepted as a candidate member of the association with the decision of the Board of Directors.
Candidate members pay half the annual dues of the original members.
Candidate members do not have the right to vote and to be elected to the Board of Directors and Auditors of the Association.
Candidate members may be authorized to represent the association in working commissions, congresses, symposiums, panels and international meetings, provided that it is by the decision of the Board of Directors.
Candidate members can be admitted to the original membership with the decision of the Board of Directors when they meet the conditions of being a regular member of the association.
5.2.3. Honorary Members,
They are real and legal persons who are considered to be beneficial to the activities of the association and accepted to the honorary membership of the association with the decision of the Board of Directors.
Honorary members do not pay annual dues.
Honorary members do not have the right to vote and to be elected to the Board of Directors and Auditors of the Association.
Honorary members may be authorized to represent the association in working commissions, congresses, symposiums, panels and international meetings, provided that it is by the decision of the Board of Directors.
5.2.4. Honorary Membership;
It’s a reward. Honorary Membership can be given to real persons who have received great financial and moral assistance to the Association and to the firefighting issue, upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and the decision of the General Assembly. This rank does not give the person the right to vote and to choose. If Honorary Membership is given to those who are Original, Candidate or Honorary Members, it does not change the status of Principal, Candidate or Honorary Membership.
5.2.5.Student Membership
a) Candidates who are over the age of 18 and studying in engineering, architecture and related technical schools of universities can apply for student membership.
b) The applicant must not exceed the age of 25.
c) The student studying in the relevant professions has to declare the document that he/she is a member student every year.
d) Student member association, which is defined to get to know the fire protection sector and establish good relations, does not pay entrance donations or dues.
e) When the student member is accepted as a member of the association, he/she is entitled to volunteer work in association organizations.
f) The membership of the candidate who has made an application with at least two references of association members is determined by the decision of the Board of Directors.
g) Membership of a student member who turns 25 years old or whose student status ends, ends. Transfer of student member to main membership 5.2.1. It can be done by fulfilling the conditions set out in the article.
h) Student member association management and supervision
i) cannot enter their boards. They cannot vote in the general assembly.
The following rules and methods are applied for being accepted to the membership of the association;
1. 2 (two) members of the Association offer and make suggestions, filling out the membership request and candidate application form,
2. Submission of documents proving the membership conditions to be determined by the Board of Directors in line with this charter,
3. Obtaining the necessary acceptance decision from the Member Inspection and Admission Commission in accordance with the bylaws to be determined later,
4. Positive decision to achieve 2/3 majority of the total number of members of the Board of Directors,
5. Once the candidate pays the entrance and annual dues, the requirements for membership are completed and the title of membership is gained.
6. The Board of Directors of the Association must decide on the applications for membership within 30 days at the latest (in the form of acceptance to membership or rejection of the request) and announce the result to the applicant in writing.
Membership terminates under the following conditions;
1. Death,
2. By applying to the Board of Directors in writing whenever it wishes to withdraw from membership,
3. Loss of the right to become a member of associations.
4. Honor Board decision and implementation of the Board of Directors,
Except for those who have lost their right to become a member for a legal reason, the subscription debt of those who leave their membership at their request ends at the end of the half-accounting period in which the request to leave is made, and the dues of that period are collected from them in full. For members who lose their right to become a member for a legal reason and have to leave, only the dues debts up to the date of determination of the occurrence of the event that caused this reason are collected.
Those who leave their membership voluntarily cannot become a member of the association for at least 1 (one) year.
Removal from membership is made for the following reasons;
1. Acting contrary to the statute of the association,
2. Failure to pay dues and other debts despite the thirty-day notice of the association secretary or treasurer or the chairman of the association (30),
3. Staying away from the activities of the association, not doing or not being able to do the tasks given, avoiding taking part, not using the vote in person or through another member in the general assemblies, showing indifference to the life and purposes of the association, acting contrary to the aims and principles of the association and its working styles, to act and act,
4. Losing the right to become a member of the Association.
The organs of the association are:
A) General Assembly
B) Board of Directors
C) Supervisory Board
D) Honor Board
Apart from these, the Board of Directors may establish boards, committees and commissions regarding matters it deems necessary.
The General Assembly is the highest organ of the association.
A) It meets every two years in March, upon the call of the Board of Directors.
B) Any other time;
When deemed necessary by the Board of Directors,
Upon the written request of the Supervisory Board when deemed necessary,
Upon the written request of one fifth (1/5) of the members of the association,
It convenes extraordinarily with the call of the Board of Directors within one month.
The right to attend the General Assembly has been granted to all principal members who have paid their debts to the association. These original members who have the right to participate;
Equal voting,
They have the right to be elected on the Boards of Directors and Auditors, except for those specified in the law.
Members other than the original members may also attend the General Assembly meetings as spectators.
The Board of Directors draws up a list of the members entitled to attend the General Assembly mentioned above.
To the members who will attend the General Assembly; The board of directors informs at least fifteen days in advance of the first meeting, the date, time, place and agenda, as well as when and where the second meeting will be held if the meeting cannot be held due to lack of quorum.
General Assembly meetings are held within the boundaries of the civil administration where the headquarters of the association is located, on the day, time and place notified to the members.
The General Assembly convenes with one more than half of the members who have the right to attend the assembly. If a sufficient number is not provided in the first meeting, the majority in the second meeting is not sought. However, the number of members attending this second meeting cannot be less than twice the total number of members of the board of directors and supervisory board of the association.
The General Assembly meeting is opened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or one of the members of the board of directors to be assigned.
After the inauguration, a Chairman is elected to chair the meeting, a Deputy Chairman to assist the chairman, and a Clerk to draft the minutes of the meeting.
At the end of the meeting, all the minutes and documents are given to the Board of Directors.
Only the items on the agenda are discussed at the General Assembly meeting. However, it is obligatory to include on the agenda the issues requested to be discussed by at least one tenth (1/10) of the members present at the meeting.
Each principal member who has the right to attend the meeting has one vote. The member uses the game himself.
Secret ballot is held for the election of the members of the Board of Directors and Auditors, and in other matters, open or secret voting is carried out according to the decision to be taken by the General Assembly.
Decision quorum is formed by the majority of votes of more than half of the remaining votes after deducting the undecided and invalid votes from the number of members voting.
If different decision quorums are specified for important issues such as the dissolution of the association, the change in the bylaws in this statute, the law of associations or the bylaws of the association, these ratios are used.
1. Election of the principal and alternate members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Boards
2. Changing the statute of the association,
3. Examining the reports of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board and acquitting the Board of Directors,
4. Discussion and acceptance of the budget prepared by the Board of Directors as it is or by changing it.
5. Authorization of the board of directors for the purchase of immovable properties required for the association.
6. Participation of the Association in international activities, joining or leaving domestic and foreign associations or organizations as a member,
7. Dissolution of the Association,
8. To determine the amount of annual dues to be collected from the members each year, to decide to increase or decrease them,
9. Discussing and deciding on the requests brought on the agenda and the issues requested to be discussed by at least one-tenth of the members present at the meeting,
10. Fulfilling other duties specified in the legislation and this charter by the General Assembly,
11. Deciding whether the association should borrow or not
12. Choosing the delegates to represent the Association in the federation in case of membership
The Board of Directors consists of 9 principal and 5 substitute members, respectively, from among its members by secret ballot for 2 years, among its members by the General Assembly, and in case of equality of votes, a lottery is applied.
When there is a vacancy from the main members, it is obligatory to call the substitute members for duty. In case all alternate members are called for duty, the General Assembly may be called to meeting only to complete the alternate members.
Association members; They can serve on the Board of Directors for a total of (at most) 3 (three) terms within the last 10 (ten) years. Members of the Board of Directors who do not resign and resign within the first three months after being elected to the Board of Directors are deemed to have served for that period.
The Board of Directors divides its duties by electing a Chairman, a Deputy Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer among themselves in its first session. Members of the association may preside for a maximum of 2 (two) consecutive terms.
Membership of a member of the Board of Directors who fails to attend three consecutive ordinary meetings without an excuse accepted by the Board of Directors is terminated and he is deemed to have resigned in this way.
1. To realize the aims and working subjects of the Association, to implement the decisions of the General Assembly,
2. Examining the membership candidates of the Association, deciding on the acceptance of membership or rejection of the membership request,
3. To represent the Association or to authorize one or more of its members in this regard,
4. Preparing the work program and the budget for the next working period,
5. To make transactions regarding the income and expense accounts of the association,
6. Preparing the work period report, balance sheet and income-expenditure chart,
7. To call the General Assembly meetings, to call the General Assembly to an extraordinary meeting when necessary,
8. To take decisions with a 2/3 majority of votes to prepare, amend and cancel the bylaws that it deems necessary for the operation of the association.
9. From time to time, in order to establish work and management committees that it deems appropriate, to appoint the members it chooses, to prepare new projects that will help it in the subjects it gives, to work and services, to negotiate about its purpose, study subjects and practices, to organize discussions, and to ensure closeness and friendship among the members. To organize joint fun and private meetings in which the guests of the members can also attend,
10. Announcing the ordinary and extraordinary meetings to be held to the auditors, ensuring that they submit reports on time,
11. Appointing, supervising and dismissing the personnel who will carry out the administrative and financial affairs of the Association,
12. To take the necessary initiatives in the presence of public and private institutions in order to protect the rights of the members in matters falling within the scope of their work,
13. To inform the members about the decisions to be taken by public and private organizations on matters concerning them,
14. To take over and take over the management and monetary document transactions and assets of the association at the beginning of the working period, and to hand over and hand over them to the Board of Directors for the new term, with a report, at the end of the working period,
15. To carry out other works and to use the authorities given to it by the statute and legislation of the association,
16. To implement the decisions of the Honor Board.
The Board of Directors convenes once a month on average, on the pre-agreed meeting day.
Meeting calls are made by the chairman, and in the absence of the chairman, by the vice chairman.
Changes in the bylaws and member admission decisions are taken by 2/3 majority of the total number of members of the Board of Directors.
Other decisions are taken by the majority of votes remaining after deducting the undecided votes from those attending the meeting. In case the votes are equal, the party with the chairman is deemed to have achieved this majority.
The Supervisory Board consists of 3 principal and 3 substitute members, respectively, from among its members by secret ballot for 2 years, among its members by the General Assembly, and in case of equality of votes, a lottery is applied.
The Board elects a President and a Rapporteur from among themselves at its first meeting, meets regularly at intervals not exceeding one year, and always extraordinarily when necessary, and takes its decisions by absolute majority.
1. Submitting the results and recommendations of the Association to the “Board of Directors” and, when convened, to the General Assembly with a report, at intervals not exceeding one year, on the books and documents related to the budget, account transactions,
2. To be present at the meeting, where the work program and budget for the next working period will be discussed, organized by the Board of Directors, and to express their opinions and suggestions,
3. Submitting to the General Assembly with a report the results and recommendations of the financial report prepared by the Board of Directors, as well as the balance sheet and income-expense schedule,
4. Supervising whether the decisions taken by the General Assembly for the assignment and handover of the Board of Directors are fulfilled, whether the association’s business is carried out in accordance with the principles of legislation and writing reports,
5. Sending at least one member of the Board of Directors to the meetings (The absence of a member of the Board of Auditors does not require the postponement of the Board of Directors meeting.)
6. Requesting that the General Assembly be called for an extraordinary meeting when necessary,
The Honor Board is elected every 2 years from the members of the association with at least 15 years of professional experience and the representatives/doyens of the fire protection industry. The Honor Board consists of 3 original and 2 substitute members. The Board elects a Chairman from among themselves at its first meeting. The President chairs the board meetings.
Honor Board; It convenes upon the request of the Board of Directors or when it deems necessary. It has to observe the principles of law, justice and objective criteria according to the content of the events communicated to the Board, the situation of the parties and especially the degree of importance of the effect of the event on the harmony and order of the association.
Duties of the Honor Board
– To make suggestions to the board of directors to honor colleagues who exhibit exemplary behavior in their lives and professional practices,
– To examine the complaints about the members of the association and to convey their decisions in writing to the Board of Directors.
These opinions and suggestions;
a) Rejection of the complaint,
b) Written warning or reprimand to the member
d) Warning to be announced to all members,
e) Final removal from membership,
may form.
The Honor Board only informs the board of directors about its work. The implementation of the decisions of the Honorary Board and the taking of the necessary measures are carried out by the Board of Directors. The result is notified to the member concerned with the article. The right of the member to object to the decision to be made at the General Assembly is reserved.
The Board of Directors may establish board committees and commissions regarding matters it deems necessary. These bodies can be permanent, or they can be limited to a specific task.
The reports prepared by the organs or the conclusions they reach are not binding. Matters adopted by the Board of Directors or the General Assembly, depending on the nature of the decision, become binding.
The Board of Directors prepares the bylaws regarding the work of the commissions and changes them when necessary.
The association has no branches.
1. Member admission fee determined by the general assembly for one time only during the application for membership,
2. Annual membership fee, determined by the general assembly and collected from the members in each working term, Annual fees must be paid by the end of March.
3. Donations, aids and bequests that are not contrary to the law of associations.
4. Incomes to be obtained from activities such as conferences, symposiums, fairs, balls, entertainment, performances, concerts, lotteries and sports competitions held or organized by the association.
5. Income from the assets of the Association,
The expenses of the association are shown in sections and items in the expense chart of the working period budget, taking into account its administrative work and services.
The association has to spend at least 80% of its revenues for its purposes.
1. Incomes that can be determined in advance in the above paragraphs are determined as final amounts in the working period budget and other incomes are determined as trace values and come into effect after the approval of the General Assembly.
2. Expenditures shown as sections and items in the expense chart of the working period budget are made by attaching them to the invoice, receipt or expense report, and by obtaining the consent of the President or the Board of Directors according to the spending authority.
3. The retention period of these documents is five years, without prejudice to the provisions regarding the longer period specified in the special laws.
4. Revenues of the association are collected with a receipt and expenses are made with a certificate of expenditure. In the event that the income of the association is collected through banks, documents such as bank receipts or statements of account shall replace the receipt. Retention documents and expenditure documents are kept for five years.
5. Receipts to be used in collecting the income of the association are printed with the decision of the board of directors.
6. The individuals who will collect the income of the association are determined by the decision of the board of directors and a certificate of authority is issued on their behalf.
7. Receipt documents, invoices, receipts and expenditure documents are kept for 5 years.
8. Borrowing Procedures of the Association
It can borrow money from associations, individuals or institutions. However, the purpose, how much it will be borrowed and how the repayment conditions will be, etc. The issues must be discussed and accepted at the general assembly and the Board of Directors must be authorized.
Internal audit is essential in the Association. Internal audits can be carried out by the general assembly, the board of directors or the supervisory board, as well as by independent audit firms. The fact that an audit has been carried out by the general assembly, the board of directors or independent audit firms does not remove the obligation of the audit board.
supervisory board; Inspects whether the association operates in line with the purpose and subjects stated in its charter, whether the books, accounts and records are kept in accordance with the legislation and association charter, in accordance with the principles and procedures determined in the association’s charter, at intervals not exceeding one year, and reports the audit results in a timely manner. presents a report to the board of directors and to the general assembly when it convenes.
Upon the request of the members of the supervisory board, it is obligatory to show or give all kinds of information, documents and records by the officials of the association, and to fulfill the request to enter the places of administration, establishments and annexes.
The Association keeps the books specified in the Associations Law No. 5253 and the regulations issued based on this law, the Regulation issued based on the Article 62 of the Civil Law No. 4771, and other laws and regulations, as stipulated in the said laws and regulations.
These books must be certified by the Notary Public or the Provincial Associations Unit and used.
The Association’s Articles of Association can be amended by the decision of the General Assembly. In order to amend the bylaws at the first meeting, 2/3 of the members must attend and accept. This majority is not sought in the second meeting, but the attendees cannot be less than twice the number of the Board of Directors and Auditors. However, the General Assembly resolutions regarding the amendment and approval of the bylaws are taken with the 2/3 majority of the attendees.
The dissolution of the association is always possible in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Law on Associations No. 5253 and the provisions of the regulation issued based on this article.
The General Assembly of the Association can always decide to dissolve the Association. However, at least 2/3 of the members of the General Assembly, who are registered with the Association and have the right to attend the General Assembly Meeting, must be present at the meeting to be held for this purpose. This majority is not sought in the second meeting, but the vote of 2/3 of the members present at the meeting is required for the General Assembly to decide on the dissolution of the Association. The dissolution of the association is notified in writing to the civil authority within the legal period by the Board of Directors.
With the dissolution decision, a Liquidation Committee is established in order to carry out liquidation transactions, close the accounts and determine the total existence of the Association at the time of dissolution.
The Liquidation Committee consists of three people and is elected by the General Assembly. The Committee transfers the remaining assets of the Association and its non-cash assets to the Turkish Fire Protection and Education Foundation after the liquidation process. If the general assembly does not take a decision, all money, property and rights of the association are transferred to the association that is closest to the purpose of the association and has the most members at the time of its dissolution, by court decision.
In the event of the dissolution and closure of the association or its dismissal, action is taken in accordance with the provisions of the relevant law.
If there is a lack of provision in the statute of the association, Turkish laws, statutes and regulations are applied.
The persons whose names, professions or arts, nationality and residence addresses are written in the appendix are the founding members of the Association.
Suleyman Bulak
Cem Eğrikavuk
Korhan Isikel
Orhan Kalafatoglu
Ali Murat Kangun
Prof.Dr.Abdurrahman Kilic
Ismail Turanli
Serhat Uysal
A. Haluk Yanik